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Learning Healthy Habits

Learning healthy habits may sound like a harder task than it really is. We can make it easy by providing these simple steps to help you develop a healthy routine. These habits could help improve your overall health and mood. I don’t know about you, but I have a few things I do in my life that may not be the healthiest thing for my mind, body or soul. I would like to replace them with habits that make me feel my best. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

  • Practice Healthy Eating and Healthy snacking

If you are someone who uses anti-aging creams and serum, eating healthy should be on the top of the list as well. Eating healthy is beneficial for your whole body, including the skin. Your anti-aging routine could benefit from eating healthy, which would help you look and feel younger. It helps your skin look and feel better. Eating healthy can help your organs (if you didn’t already know your skin is your largest organ) and digestive system to work more efficiently. Healthy food can help strengthen your bones and support your muscles. Nutrition is the foundation of good physical health. Unhealthy foods have been known to be harder to process which puts a strain on your whole body. Healthy foods increase energy levels, improve your productivity and even boost your immune system. I love easy to go snacks. Snacking when I watch a movie, study or even when I am working is just so convenient. I try to make sure I get the least processed foods for snacks. There are plenty of options such as; dried fruit like mangos, apples and apricots, hummus, veggies and nuts like cashews, walnuts or almonds. Practicing healthy eating habits starts with conscious eating. Being mindful and intentional with what you put in your body is important and supports longevity.

  • Eat or Pack a Breakfast

Eating breakfast can provide you with the essential vitamins you need. This can lead to improving your energy, boosting brain power, memory and mood throughout the day. This can help with unwanted cravings and hunger throughout the day. I am the type of person who does not love eating breakfast first thing in the morning. To help me make sure I have something to eat for breakfast I always pack some fruit like an apple or a banana. Overnight oats or chia seed pudding are some easy breakfasts. Another easy morning meal can be a smoothie packed with fruits and veggies. With our often-busy lifestyle, convenience and pre-prepared meal options lead people to eat healthy balanced meals. Finding an easy breakfast recipe has really helped me enjoy breakfast more. Meal prepping allows you to grab and go in the morning.

  • Movement. Exercise and Activity

Studies have shown that movement is something that improves your mental health and overall mood. Movement is good for your muscles and joints, aides in proper digestion. If you’re having a day that just feels like blah, moving your body can really help you get out of that funk. Taking a walk around the block or a hike at a place you’ve always wanted to go is a good option. It could simply be you dancing in your kitchen, shaking it out after a few emails or converting your workspace into a standing desk instead of sitting. If moving your body or shaking your rump is what is going to make a difference throughout your day, I would say it is worth it to giving a try. It is extra beneficial if you “shake it out” outside.

  • Go Outside

Going outside could be your movement for the day. If you are having a bad day or are in a bad mood, it has been proven that if you go spend at least 10 minutes in nature your mood will improve. Being outside in nature has positive impacts on your brain and your mental health as well as your body. Nature has been shown to help slow down your thoughts and decrease rumination, which is fixated thoughts on one's distress. Going outside could help your brain to not be stuck in a negative thought loop. You could eat outside. You could do your studies or your work outside. If you have a dog or a pet, you could take them for a walk. Take your partner or your friend for a stroll outside. You could plan to watch the sunrise or the sunset. Carve out some time to look at the stars. You could just sit outside for ten minutes and breathe.

  • Make a Morning and Nightly Routine

Not everybody likes a routine, however a lot of people’s brains do. Studies show that routines can help alleviate stress and help to reduce anxiety. It has been shown to improve our sleep and wake cycles. When you wake up in the morning and you have a routine you know what you’re going to do. Maybe your routine is washing your face, moisturizing and starting your coffee pot. Then your body and your brain know it’s time to start the day. At the end of the day, you make a cup of tea, or you give yourself a massage, and light a candle. This creates signals for your body to know that it is time to relax and get ready for sleep.

  • Practice Self-care

We hear a lot about self-care these days, yet people continue to report they are not satisfied with their current self-care plan. Slowing down can actually lead to you becoming a more productive person. Self-care can include a lot of things. Self-care for you could be using nice face moisturizer or body lotion. Your self-care could look like making a morning and night routine, or it could look like painting your nails. Your self-care could include making banana bread. The wonderful thing about self-care is It’s what you make it, so your self-care may look different than your friends, it Is about intention not perfection. Self-care is about prioritizing yourself, your happiness, and your wellness throughout the day. For self-care ideas check out our blog about Five-Minute Self-Care ideas.

  • Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is so important. It goes without saying that hydration is important for your brain to function correctly. Making sure you stay hydrated is important for your organs, your muscles, and your skin health. One thing that helps people to stay hydrated is getting in the habit of carrying a water bottle around with you. Setting an alarm in your phone so you don’t forget, or incorporating this into your nightly routine is also helpful. The general guideline is to drink half your body weight in ounces each day.

  • Get Good Rest/Sleep

Sufficient sleep is important and restorative to your health and well-being. Good sleep has numerous benefits starting with a strong immune system and lower inflammation. Getting enough rest is essential to your brain function, organ function and skin health. Getting good rest is important for everybody and especially women it’s time for the restoration and balance of hormones. Going to bed early could help you make sure you get enough sleep. Being well rested has many benefits like lowering your blood pressure and a healthier heart. Sleep can help you have better brain functioning, improved memory, sharper thinking and more energy.

  • Floss your Teeth

Your mouth health is super important! A surprising amount of people do not floss their teeth. Flossing gets rid of lots of things your toothbrush may not reach. Spending less than five minutes just relaxing while you take care of your teeth. Flossing your teeth could be the pause in your day you did not know you needed.

  • Think Positively

Positive thinking has been linked to an increased lifespan. Thinking positively can lower levels of stress hormones and build resistance so we can manage stressful life events. There are studies on the positive effects this can have on you, giving you a higher resilience to both physical sicknesses and mental illnesses. When you focus on what is positive in your life it helps you feel grateful for what you have. Practice gratitude as you fall asleep for added benefits.

  • Less Screen-time

Too much screen time can take a toll on your body, especially your eyes. A lot of the time spent on screens is sedentary. Usually in positions where we are hunched over looking at our phones or laptops. Less screen time before bed has led to people sleeping better. It can also lessen eye strain, neck pain and reduce headaches. Limiting your screen time could allow for more time to do other things in your life, such as taking some time to do an activity outside.

  • Read a Book or Finish a Book

Mental wellness is just as important as physical wellness, and one impacts the other in a relational manner. Not only can reading be a relaxing activity but it is good for your brain. Reading a couple pages of a book or reading for like ten minutes each day can help improve your memory. Reading can also help expand your vocabulary, improve your focus and problem-solving skills. This is also a good way to reduce stress. I have been guilty of starting books but never finishing them. So, if that is something you do, setting aside some time each day to read could help you to finish a book. Creating a sense of accomplishment.

  • Cook at Home More

Cooking at home can help you save money, as well as helping with conscious eating and it makes you more mindful of what you are putting in your body. Cooking can be super fun and a way to spend time with yourself or a loved one. It is an activity that could be a bonding experience for you and your family or you and your partner. This is a good way to stimulate your brain. It is a good way to relieve tension and stress. Cooking can be a creative outlet and even boost your confidence, leaving you feeling satisfied in many ways.

  • Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts can be educational. Podcasts can be funny. There is a large range of different genres that you can listen to. This is a great way to multitask so instead of listening to music you could turn on a podcast about something you want to learn about or to keep updated on current events. Podcasts make it easier for some people to learn. Instead of trying to sit down and read a book, having someone read to me is so nice.

  • Wake up Early

Waking up early has surprisingly led to people feeling like they have more energy. This could be an opportunity to have a morning routine which could look like making your bed, having breakfast, and working out. This could increase your productivity and organization throughout the day.

  • Challenge Yourself

Pushing yourself could lead to accomplishing things you previously thought you could not, setting goals and stepping out of your comfort zone. Challenging yourself could boost your confidence, motivation and even resilience. It is important to try new things to know what you like. Your challenge could be adopting one of these healthy habits. It is fun to challenge yourself, it could lead to you building up more resilience and finding out how awesome you are! You do not have to tackle every single one of these tips all at once. Try starting with one that you see yourself using in your life. One that you feel is attainable. Maybe challenge yourself to finish a book you started reading a while ago or start a new book, read five to ten pages a night before bed. Find new recipes you really want to try that look easy to make. Maybe when you are at the store make sure you are buying healthier snack options. An annual cleanse is a great way to refresh your system. Whatever healthy habit you choose, make sure it is one you will enjoy so doing it doesn’t feel like a chore. Build on your success by adding other habits gradually.

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